Key Tactics for the Plan

The University will continue to make improvements to be the "employer of choice" in southwest Missouri. Key tactics that will be employed to achieve the objectives Valuing and Supporting People are:

  • Competitive compensation – There will be meaningful, purposeful efforts made to improve the competitiveness of Missouri State's compensation packages for faculty and staff.
  • Professional development – Based on needs assessment, a comprehensive set of programs will be developed for each of the three groups: faculty, academic administrators and staff. To assist with this, a new Learning Management System will be put into operation.
  • Diverse workforce – A combination of enhanced targeted advertising, incentive programs and requirements for diverse pools of candidates will help achieve this goal. To assist, a new Applicant Tracking System will be implemented by the Office of Human Resources and the Office for Institutional Equity and Compliance.
  • My Ideas Program – To further engage faculty and staff, and to ensure the University has the best thoughts the University has to offer, the My Ideas Program will be implemented. The program provides incentives for best ideas coming from faculty and staff.
  • Improve technology – The University will expand its technology capabilities, enhance services in the Learning Commons, support electronic delivery of courses, upgrade network capabilities, expand wireless, improve the website, and otherwise improve technology to achieve the mission and goals of the University.
  • Improve processes– Increased bandwidth will assist learning, research and business processes. New electronic workflow processes will be developed for efficiencies and better sustainability.