How LOGOS Works: The Review/Revision Process

Submissions are first processed by the Managing Editor. If a submission lacks necessary information, expect a follow-up email. The Chief Editor then sends the submissions to Associate Editors. They forward the submissions to their group of Peer Reviewers. After evaluating each piece with a review form, the groups meet to discuss submissions. They then each make a recommendation: accept with no revisions, accept with minor revisions, or reject. The Associate Editor then sends all the reviews to the Managing Editor.

If the submission is rejected, the Managing Editor informs the author of the decision. He or she also sends the reviewers’ comments and suggestions to encourage improvement and learning. If the submission receives an average recommendation, the Managing Editor sends it to a Faculty Reviewer.

After the faculty review, the Managing Editor compiles the reviews and comments into one document. This document is then sent to the author, who then makes any necessary changes to the submission.

After making necessary revisions, the author sends the revised submission with a cover letter describing the changes made back to the Managing Editor. The Managing Editor reviews the revised piece. If no more changes are necessary, the piece goes to copy editing. The Copy Editor then prepares the submission for publication. During this stage, the Copy Editor checks the sources used. If a piece has weak research and sources, it may still be rejected. Finally, the editorial team adds the submission to the journal and then it is published.