Departmental Budget Queries and Transfers

The Budget Query and Transfer functions available from My Missouri State - Finance Dashboard (used to be called Finance Self-Service Banner - SSB) allow authorized individuals to view University budget data and perform online budget transfers. While Foundation fund information may be viewed online, funds may not be transferred to or from a Foundation Fund. 

Budget queries (My Finance Queries)

Access to budget data is based on the Fund and Organization security that has been established for an individual within Banner. Authorization may be established by completing the following requests:

To request “Approver” access, submit a FOAPAL Authorization - Approver Request.

To request “Originator” or “View Only” access, submit a FOAPAL Authorization - Originator/View Request.

Departmental Budget data may be viewed through SSB by performing a Budget Query. Budget status by Account, Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy, and a Budget Quick Query are available to authorized users of a specified Fund and Organization. Foundation transaction activity may also be viewed through SSB Budget Queries. 

University and Foundation budget, balance, and transaction reports are also available from the Bear Finance reporting page which provides easy access to Argos reports based on the type of budget or fund being reviewed.

Budget transfers (My Journals)

Budget transfers are permitted for users with proper authorization (Departmental Budget Approver Authority). Transfers are permitted within different expense categories of the same budget or between budgets. Authorized individuals may only transfer funds to budgets within their control.

Transfers are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Transfers are allowed in the General Operating (A) fund only
  • Transfers are allowed on Budget account codes only
  • Transfers are allowed on only selected Salary account codes (630, 631, 633)
  • Transfers are allowed on Travel, Supplies, Services & Capital Outlay account codes (73 & 75)
  • Transfers are not allowed on Revenue (5) or Transfer (8) account codes
  • Transfers are not allowed on inactive budgets

The transfer of funds is also dependent upon available balances.

Training guides can be found here. 

All other types of transfers must be performed by a Budget Analyst.