March 23, 2010




March 23, 2010

1. Roll Call:

Present - Mr. Michael Duggan, Governor (by conference call)

Mr. Gordon Elliott, Governor, (by conference call)

Mr. Brian Hammons, Chair of the Board (by conference call)

Absent - Ms. Phyllis Washington, Vice-Chair of the Board


Present - Michael Nietzel, President

Paul Kincaid, Chief of Staff

Clif Smart, General Counsel

Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services (by conference call)

Nila Hayes, Chief Financial Officer

Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs (by conference call)

Steve Foucart, Controller (by conference call)

Doug Sampson, University Architect and Director of Campus Planning

Brad Kielhofner, Superintendent of Design & Construction

John McAlear, Secretary of the Board

2. Presiding — Mr. Brian Hammons, Chair of the Board of Governors, called the Executive Committee conference-call meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. in Room 203 of Carrington Hall on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.

3. Facilities & Equipment --- Dr. Nietzel first explained that two of the contract awards that are being recommended today, if approved, will commit us to approve a bond issue in the next few months for at least the amount included in the funding plans for the two projects. The source of funds for the University Recreation Center project and the Darr Agriculture Center Phase III project includes bond proceeds, respectively, of $17,965,000 and $4,370,000. Ms. Nila Hayes indicated that the bonding resolution will probably be taken to the Board at their June meeting. Mr. Elliott asked if there was any scenario in which the bonds won’t be issued. Ms. Hayes replied that there has not been a better time to issue bonds and she sees nothing that would prohibit us from carrying through with a June approval. Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services, then presented the following resolutions for the Executive Committee to consider:

Approval of bids and award of a contract for the educational center at the William H. Darr Agriculture Center (Agenda Item No. II.A.); DeWitt & Associates, Inc., low bid of $5,273,100 for the base bid plus alternates 1 and 5; total project budget established at $6,820,000.

Approval of bids and award of a contract for the University Recreation Center (Agenda Item No. II.B.); DeWitt & Associates, Inc., low bid of $19,845,870 for the base bid plus all alternates except No. 11; total project budget established at $29,694,933.

Approval of bids and award of a contract for Water Heater Replacement at Freudenberger House (Agenda Item No. II.C.); Mechanical Services, Inc., low bid of $167,400 for the base bid plus alternates one and two; total project budget set at $190,000.

Mr. Elliott moved for the approval of the three resolutions, receiving the second of Mr. Duggan.

Motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Elliott commentated that what was approved today will be a real stimulus for jobs in the area.

4. Adjournment — Mr. Hammons adjourned the conference call meeting at 5:35 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Elliott, the second of Mr. Duggan, and the unanimous vote of the committee.

John W. McAlear

Secretary of the Board