
What to do in case of overdose on drugs or alcohol

Call 911 or Emergency Room:

Do not leave the person alone. Turn the victim on his/her side to prevent choking in case of vomiting.

If you live in a residence hall tell a staff member that there is an emergency

Warning signs of acute alcohol poisoning

Do not wait for all the signs to be present.

  • person is unconscious or semiconscious.

  • person has cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin

  • slow breathing (less than 8 breaths per minute)

  • irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths)

  • no response to pinching the skin

  • vomiting while passed out, and not waking after vomiting

  • seizures

If any of the above symptoms exist, call 911!

If you have difficulty coping after the emergency, contact the Counseling and Testing Center


For more information visit these websites:

Alcohol or drug education

Alcohol and drug treatment

Impact of alcohol and drugs an families

Alcohol and drug use in pregnancy