General Business


General Business (Comprehensive)

Bachelor of Science

Major requirements (29-30 hours):

All students majoring in business must also satisfy all College of Business Core requirements. Hours required in the college core range from 36 to 51 depending on major.

  1. LAW 335(2) or 532(3); RMI 211(3).
  2. Minimum of 24 hours with at least one course from four of the following six areas:
    1. Business Relationships: BUS 494(3), 510(3); BUS 550/LAW 550(3); ECO 304(3); ENG 321(3)*; ENT 301(3) or 302(3); ITC 205(3); LAW 341(3); MGT 341(3), 397(3); MKT 351(3), 352(3), 354(3), 355(3), 410(3).
    2. Financial and Quantitative Analysis: ACC 301(3), 302(3), 311(3), 513(3); ECO 409(3), 475(3); FIN 381(3), 390(3), 485(3); MKT 360(3), 368(3); QBA 337(3).
    3. International Business Environment: BUS 392(3); ECO 346(3), 456(3), 565(3); FIN 392(3), 582(3), 586(3); MGT 447(3); MKT 464(3), 474(3); RMI 392(3).
    4. Markets and Economies: ECO 314(3), 385(3); FIN 266(3), 384(3), 395(3); MKT 365(3), 450(3).
    5. Project and Technology Management: ACC 341(3); ITC 235(3), 260(3), 290(3), 295(3), 388(3), 420(3); TCM 359(3).
    6. Risk Management and Compliance: ACC 321(3), 524(3); FIN 589(3); FIN 538/RMI 538(3); LAW 531(3), 537(3); MGT 345(3); RMI 310(3), 312(3), 313(3), 314(3), 415(3); TCM 337(3).

      *ENG 321 may also be used to meet the Focus on Written Communication and Integrative and Applied Learning requirement of General Education.

Students are strongly encouraged to pursue a minor in combination with the General Business major. With proper planning of courses, students may be able to complete a minor in as few as nine additional credit hours. Examples of minors that add value to the General Business major are: Accounting, Business Analytics, Business Application Development, Cybersecurity, Economics, Enterprise Risk Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Financial Planning, Human Resources/Industrial Relations, Information Technology, IT Infrastructure, Insurance, International Business, Legal Studies in Business, Marketing Research, Selling, and Supply Chain, Logistics and Operations Management.

University level requirements:

  1. General Education Program and Requirements
  2. General Baccalaureate Degree Requirements


General Business

Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
  1. ACC 201(3); BUS 135(3); ITC 201(3); LAW 231(3).
  2. Six hours from: ACC 211(3); BUS 200(3) or 397(3); BUS 392(3), BUS 395(3); BUS 550 or LAW 550(3); FIN 266(3), 380(3), 381(3), 384(3), 392(3), 395(3); ITC 200(3): LAW 332(1); LAW 335(2) or 532(3); 341(3), 531(3), 537(3); MGT 286(3), 320(3), 340(3), 341(3), 486(3); MKT 150(3) or 350(3); MKT 355(3); QBA 237(3); RMI 211(3), 392(3), 395(3).

Accelerated graduate program in Business Administration

Eligible Missouri State undergraduate students may apply for admission to the Master of Business Administration program and begin taking graduate course work as they complete the work for a bachelor’s degree. A maximum of 12 hours of graduate credit may be counted toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree (Mixed Credit). Refer to the Graduate Catalog for specific admission requirements.

Refer to Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Classes for additional information and procedures for obtaining permission for Mixed Credit.

Accelerated graduate program in Cybersecurity

Eligible Missouri State undergraduate students in the College of Business may apply for admission to the Cybersecurity program and begin taking graduate course work as they complete the work for a bachelor’s degree. A maximum of six hours of graduate credit may be counted toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree (Mixed Credit). Refer to the Graduate Catalog for specific admission requirements.

Refer to Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Classes for additional information and procedures for obtaining permission for Mixed Credit.