1.3 Appointments that Do Not Require a Full Search

The following positions do not require a full search: Temporary appointments.

  • Formal reclassification of existing position.
  •  Administrative positions filled on a rotating basis.
  •  Collateral duty appointments where employee retains existing position (i.e., assistant department head, program coordinator, etc.).
  • Visiting and adjunct faculty appointments for a maximum of one year (up to three years if funded by a grant), made with the understanding that positions are subject to full searches should the terms be extended beyond the mandatory limit.
  •  Student appointments (Interns, Teaching Assistants, Graduate Assistants, Students Workers, etc.).

Please note: While these positions do not require a full search, hiring units are still required to follow equal opportunity/affirmative action rules and best search practices in the recruitment and selection of these employees. Hiring units must provide notice (either internally or externally, depending on the specific nature of the position to be filled) of the vacancy. This also helps to demonstrate transparency in the recruitment and selection processes and emphasizes that the University has an open and inclusive environment. Finally, the hiring unit must ensure that documentation of the process utilized to fill these positions is retained in the event there is a question or legal challenge to their recruitment and/or selection.