Campus Law Enforcement Policy

Op2.17 Campus Security and Law Enforcement Policy

Campus Security

The Office of University Safety (University Safety) provides noncommissioned security services for property owned or controlled by Missouri State University (MSU) within the City of Springfield. University Safety has a close working relationship with the federal, state, county, and city law enforcement network through the Springfield Police Department (SPD). As University Safety is made aware of offenses against persons or property, they will report them to the local police.

University Safety provides a variety of security functions for the campus, e.g. monitoring surveillance cameras, patrols, escorts, reporting, and training, and may also utilize contract security services for events, incidents, or special assignments, as needed.

Law Enforcement

Commissioned law enforcement for property owned or controlled by MSU within the city limits of the City of Springfield is provided, under a contract for services, by the SPD. The SPD officers work out of a campus substation and have full police power including arrest authority and power to search. When the substation officers are not available for any reason, other SPD officers will respond. Additionally, MSU hires commissioned law enforcement officers to provide traffic control and safety/security for certain events.

For property owned or controlled outside the City of Springfield, MSU relies on the local law enforcement agency for law enforcement needs.

Emergency reporting

Emergencies (e.g., medical, fire, crime, etc.) should be reported by dialing 9-1-1, and then to Campus Safety by dialing (417) 836-5509. Automatic dial telephones and emergency phones are located in various areas of the campus and can also be used to report an emergency.

Crime reporting

Any individual on the MSU campus who is a victim of or observes any criminal activity should report the incident immediately to (417) 836-5509 or to 9-1-1. Conduct that may include criminal activity can be reported to Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services staff or the Office of the Dean of Students solely for the purpose of accessing services available from those or other university offices. Individuals will be encouraged to report any criminal activity to law enforcement.

More Information

For more information, contact:

Office of University Safety

Missouri State University

636 E. Elm

Springfield, MO 65897

View information and statistics on the Clery Act and Annual Crime Report.