Accident Reporting and Documentation Policy

Op2.01 Accident Reporting and Documentation Policy


It is the policy of Missouri State University (MSU) that all Accidents resulting in personal injury, damage to university property or involve a university vehicle, shall be properly reported and investigated. Although an investigation is a reactive process, a comprehensive reporting and investigation process is a proactive measure that can effectively prevent or minimize future Accidents. This operating procedure establishes a systematic process to ensure Accidents are properly reported and documented in a timely manner and that the appropriate corrective actions are taken.


This operating procedure applies to the reporting and investigation of all Accidents that result in:

  • A work-related injury to any university employee (staff, faculty, student workers, or volunteers);
  • Personal injury to non-university personnel while on or using university-owned property; or
  • Damage to university-owned property and/or vehicles.


Department heads, managers and/or supervisors are responsible for:

  1. ensuring that all Accidents are properly reported and investigated in accordance with this operating procedure; and
  2. ensuring that all corrective actions are promptly and completely carried out.

Employees are responsible for:

  1. reporting any Accident to their manager/supervisor as soon as possible and no later than the end of the employee’s regular work shift; and
  2. completing the appropriate Worker’s Compensation forms for work place injuries as soon as possible, normally within 24 hours of the incident pursuant to the Worker’s Compensation Section 6.5 of the Employee Handbook.

The office of university safety is responsible for Accident investigations, either directly or by review of the report, as deemed appropriate to the occasion. The director of university safety shall determine the level of participation that is warranted.

The office of human resources is responsible for administering the Workers’ Compensation benefits program for work-related injuries or illnesses.

The office of environmental management is responsible for evaluation of incidents to determine if voluntary notifications should be made to outside agencies.


Accident — Any incident involving on-duty employees or university property that results in damage to property or injury to an individual.

Major Accident — Any Accident that results in:

  1. Death;
  2. Amputation - the traumatic loss of a limb or other external body part. Amputations include a part, such as a limb or appendage, that has been severed, cut off, amputated (either completely or partially); fingertip amputations with or without bone loss; medical amputations resulting from irreparable damage; and amputations of body parts that have since been reattached;
  3. Loss of consciousness due to electrical shock, lack of oxygen or chemical exposure;
  4. Possible permanent functional impairment of a body part (excluding those resulting from a back strain);
  5. Admission to a hospital (other than 24-hour observation, hernia repair or back strain).

Vehicle Accident — Any Accident involving a university owned or controlled vehicle.

Notification procedures

All Accidents — Drivers of university vehicles, victims (if possible) and witness(es) of an Accident, whether they involve vehicles or not, are to:

  • Call 9-1-1 if there are injuries requiring Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
  • Contact the office of university safety at 417-836-5509.
  • Notify their manager/supervisor of the accident.

Accidents causing work-related injury — Employees must immediately notify their supervisor or designee of work-related injuries. In the event the employee is not able to report it (e.g., unconscious), any witness employed by the university must notify the office of human resources. (Refer to Section 6.5 of the Employee Handbook.)

Major Accidents and those involving reportable quantities of hazardous materials/waste — University safety will notify the director of environmental management of all Major Accidents and those involving reportable quantities of hazardous materials/waste.

Investigation guidelines

Accident scene preservation — When possible, the Accident scene should be preserved and disturbance of any physical evidence should be prevented until the on-scene investigation is complete. Unless necessary to prevent further damage or injury, clean up or repair activities should commence only after all pertinent information has been collected.

Accident investigation — The office of university safety shall investigate Accidents and document the investigation, as per university safety guidelines.

  • Law enforcement — Vehicle Accidents occurring off campus will be investigated by the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. Vehicle Accidents occurring on campus will be investigated by the Springfield Police Department, when requested by the office of university safety.


All Vehicle Accidents — The office of university safety will document all Vehicle Accidents occurring on campus with an incident report. Drivers involved in a Vehicle Accident occurring off campus must complete an vehicle accident report form, a copy of which is located in the glove compartment of the vehicle, and email to the office of university safety at along with a copy of the law enforcement report and campus safety will complete an incident report based upon that information.

All Accidents resulting in injuries — The office of university safety will document Accidents resulting in injuries occurring on campus with a personal injury report. For all other incidents resulting in injuries the employee will document the injury using the attached injury investigation report and email to the office of university safety at who will complete an incident report based upon that information.

  • Information from work-related injuries will be immediately shared with the office of human resources.
  • For all injury Accidents that occur on or using university-owned property, the office of university safety will provide the office of general counsel and the director of procurement services with a copy of the resulting incident report, so that a Loss Notice can be filed with the State Legal Expense Fund if appropriate.
  • The office of university safety will provide a quarterly listing to the office of human resources of all accidents that were reported as occurring within the prior three months.
  • The office of environmental management, office of university safety and office of human resources will each immediately report any Major Accident to the university general counsel and the Vice President for Administration and Finance, in no case more than four (4) hours.