About Employee Wellness

About MSU Employee Wellness

Missouri State University - Employee Wellness Goals

The Employee Wellness Program strives to provide meaningful programming that addresses all components of the human being namely social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial, intellectual, physical and occupational in a manner that is respectful of the diversity of the community at large.

  1. Maintain greater than 90% completion rate on Health Risk Assessment (HRA) by the organizations FTE’s on the university health plan. Standard is 85%. The HRA is done yearly.
  2. Decrease costs to the University health plan as measured yearly by MSU contracted health consultants, Mercer, out of Kansas City.
  3. Improve health and manage chronic disease of plan participants. This is measured by the individual programs that are provided through employee wellness programming such as Weight Watchers at Work and the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) and others.
  4. Encourage employees to choose wellness activities on a yearly basis, that matter to them, as measured by the Health Risk Assessment (HRA).
  5. Increase satisfaction and improve morale due to the flexibility of yearly requirements that waive or reduce the $30/month premium for university health benefits.

The Employee Wellness Program receives input and feedback from the Employee Wellness Committee, which is a campus wide cross section of faculty and staff from departments such as Human Resources, Magers Health and Wellness Center, Biomedical Sciences, Kinesiology, University Administration, Information Technologies, Student Wellness, Campus Recreation, Publications, Student Affairs, College of Business and Employee Wellness.

The Employee Wellness Program is developed and managed by the Employee Wellness Coordinator with oversight provided by the Director of Magers Health and Wellness Center.

The Employee Wellness Program works directly with the university president appointed committee; Health Insurance Review Committee on a bi-weekly basis.