June 6, 2013 Minutes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Attended: Dixie Williams, Andrea Weber, Scott Fiedler, Kelly Cara, Catherine Beck, Sandra Johnson, Holly Robison, Charles Schoneboom, Steven Turner, Matthew Stublefield, Sandra Arthur, Andrew Garton, Allison Overmyer, Christina Bowles
    2. Excused Absences: Brenda Stewart, Gary Stafford, Teressa Arnette
    3. Unexcused Absences: Ryan Reed, Kathy Gibson, Kirk Whittington
    4. Guests: Dave Falls, Ian Alaimo, Paul Essel, Ryan Wilson, Tara Benson, Karen Willde, Sharon Lopinot, Rob Moore, Karen Sikes, Janelle Melton (all incoming Senators).
  2. Call to Order: Called to order at 11:08am
  3. Approval of Agenda: Approved with the following amendments: 5b, 6b,c.
  4. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the May meeting were approved with no changes.
  5. Chair’s Report
    1. Paula Vinson: International Friends. Paula visited with Staff Senate about a new program – We have close to 2000 international students on campus, and a large group is coming this fall. We are looking for families who are willing to be “friends” of the international students. They would not live with you, but you would find ways to spend some time with them and help them with the transition to the US and Missouri State. Go to https://international.missouristate.edu/friends to apply to be a friend. They try to match you to students with similar interests.
    2. Appointment of Staff Senators: Rob Morrow for Student Affairs and Paul Essel for Financial Services. Rob ran for Staff Senate for Job Family 4 but also works in Student Affairs so was appointed to that position. Paul was appointed by Financial Services.
    3. Recognition of Outgoing and Incoming Staff Senators: Sandy Arthur, Faculty Senate Rep, Ryan Reed, Holly Robison, Matthew Stublefield, Steve Turner, Kirk Whittington are all out-going senators
    4. Installation of 2013 Executive Board
  6. Chair Elect’s Report
    1. Recognition of Outgoing Chair
    2. Appointment of Director of Staff Relations: Christina Bowles has been appointed.
    3. Common Reader: Executive board would like permission to purchase a common reader for each staff senator as part of their tool kit as a senator. We would like to discuss the common reader and continue stressing the importance of the Public Affairs mission. This book is not a gift, but rather a tool to use as a senator. You would also be encouraged to share the book with others in your office as a way to encourage the staff to engage in our public affairs mission. Motion to approve – second. The books will be purchased in July.
  7. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
    1. A big thank you goes out to those who brought food today. It was nice that everyone recognized the importance of celebrating my birthday! Thanks to Steven Turner for the cookies, and to Kelly Cara for the birthday cupcakes. A 5 minute break was taken so everyone could enjoy the snacks!
    2. Finance Update
      1. Staff Senate A Account: $281.21
      2. Staff Senate B Account: $840.84
      3. Scholarship fund: See Scholarship Committee Report
    3. Senator Elections: Elections have concluded, and we have filled all but one seat in Job Family 3. The online election system is working well but has a few “quirks” so Computer Services is working on some updates for us to make it easier to use.
  8. Director of Staff Relations Report
    1. Kelly passed around a list of current committee membership and asked current and new senators to indicate their preference.
    2. Committee Reports
      1. Bylaws Committee – Kelly Cara: Finished the approved bylaw changes and they have been forwarded to the President’s council for approval.
      2. Denim Day Committee – Andrea Weber: Committee met this week. Discussed the future of Denim days. Has been the project of choice for Staff Senate for about 10 years. The committee reviewed where the money goes. Andrea read through the information received. It included areas the money is used, but did not include a percentage of donations used for administrative costs vs. actual research. Based on the information gathered, the committee recommends we continue with this project. Motion, second. Discussion: Other organizations were discussed – Breast Cancer of the Ozarks was discussed, but Lee continued to come to the top of the list. Motion approved.
      3. Public Affairs Committee – Gary Stafford: No report this month.
      4. Public Relations Committee – Brenda Stewart: No formal report
      5. Scholarship Committee – Andrew Garton: No events since last meeting, but would like to encourage senators to join this committee. Balance is $3,602.97. We have raised $1,940.97! Our goal was $1,000, so we did great! The scholarship has been awarded to the following two individuals:
        1. Ashley Crawford – daughter of Linda Sartorius who is an Administrative Assistant in the School of Accountancy
        2. Rae Ann Rockwell – current staff member – Administrative Assistant in Art and Design.
      6. Staff Activities Committee – Chair Needed: Tent Theatre. 235 employees requested 2 tickets each. Great response, and tickets will be going out today.
      7. Staff Excellence in Service Awards Committee – No Report
      8. MSU Administrative Professional Forum Committee – Sandy Johnson: First forum was last month. Great turnout, and it went very well. Everyone learned a lot about Computer Services. Meeting again to plan an August forum – Conference Services and Catering. Planning to do 2 forums per semester – beginning and end. Had about 60 at the first one.
  9. Old Business
    1. Facebook page – Holly Robison. This idea started at the scholarship luncheon. Several individuals indicated they are single or don’t have family close and the only interaction they get to have with other staff is at workshops, brown-bag luncheons, or other structured events. Holly discussed this issue with her supervisor, and they thought it would be a nice thing to start a Facebook page for staff to post non work-related activities as a way to socialize with each other. This might be a way to improve staff morale. One of the concerns is that Staff Senate can’t “sponsor” this Facebook page since its encouraging non-university events and we are not liable for what occurs at these events. Holly and Kelly are willing to set up the page and do some monitoring, but would need others to also participate. Facebook as an organization views pages as official but a “group” as not official. We would need to be careful about the name of the group. Senators could promote the page by talking about it, but would NOT indicate that it was sponsored by Staff Senate. This would NOT be a discussion list – NOT an alternative to UDIG.
  10. New Business: None
  11. Announcements
    1. July meeting moved to July 11th because of holiday
    2. Please let us know of any edits to your placards for the next meeting.
    3. Master Planning committee. Dixie served on it this year. Wants feedback regarding best and worst spaces on campus. Send any feedback to Dixie, including pictures if you can, and indicate why it’s either a great space or a bad space.
  12. Discussion
    1. Extra days off feedback for President Smart: Feedback from Senators. We have been given 2 days to do service in the community. They would be personal days (taken out of sick leave) We used to get 1 personal day. Now we get 3, and 2 of them can be used for community service. Can take them 4 hours at a time.
    2. Take food with you!!
  13. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 12:00pm