December 2, 2010 Minutes

I. Call to order - Meeting was called to order by Tabitha Haynes, Chair, at 1:33pm.

II. Roll Call – Verbal roll call was done this time as well as a sign in sheet completed.

Present: Tabitha Haynes, Michael Frizell, Janelle Melton, Sandy Arthur, Cindi Barnett, Corbin Campbell (proxy Kelly Barnts), Sandy Johnson, Nadine Jones, Charles Klarr, Cathy McFall, Terry Plank, Andrea Weber (proxy Maggie Brandt), Erin Parrish, Holly Robison, Matthew Stublefield, Jaimie Trussell, Kirk Whittington, Mary Ann Wood (proxy Lenord McGownd), Cynthia Hail, Justin Mellish, Dixie Williams

Absent: Donald Clark, Dale Moore, Teresa Steele, Kyle Yates

Guests: Konya Knackstedt, Veronica Sanders

III. Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve and accept the December agenda by Dixie Williams and seconded by Terry Plank.

IV. Open Forum UB – Mandy Kisker and Shawna (last name unknown), students from the Marketing Department gave a presentation on the organ donor campaign, and handed out information sheets to all senators to complete and turn in to become an organ donor. There were green bands passed around to all and a group picture was taken. Campaign is to educate and recruit new donors. There are 775 flags placed in the north lawn to represent the number of new donors this campaign has recruited so far. This was a class project originally, but the press and media have given it much more attention which has helped the success of the campaign results. KY3 was here yesterday featuring them and it will air tomorrow.

V. Approval of Minutes (10/07/10 and 11/04/10) – Motion was made by Dixie Williams and seconded by Nadine Jones to approve the October minutes as amended. The minutes should be amended to reflect the motion made by Charles Klarr was not seconded and approved, and the motion by Jaimie Trussell to maintain the original language was seconded and approved.

Motion by Cathy McFall to postpone the approval of the November minutes due to the number of amendments.

VI. Executive Committee Report – No report
VII. Committee Reports

A. Membership Committee - Cathy McFall – A motion was made and approved at the October 7th meeting to fulfill the vacated positions in Job Family 2-Skilled Crafts/Trades. Candidacy applications were sent to supervisors soliciting interest on October 11th with a due date of November 1st. There were no applications submitted warranting the date be extended to December 1st , still gleaning no interest. Cathy recommends that senators who know a prospective replacement submit names so that individuals contact may be made inquiring interest in these Senate seats in order to satisfy representation based on Job Family 2 population.

B. Denim Day Committee- Cathy McFall – Reconciliations are basically complete as to the monies collected from the events held to benefit our breast cancer philanthropy. 2010 totals $7,850.91 which more than doubled the 2009 contributions. Our efforts to provide funding for critical research and support services, give hope and emotional strength to so many women suffering from or at risk for breast cancer.

The success of this year’s efforts are due to the work of the Denim Day Committee pulling together to make a difference. The University and Staff Senate wishes to present certificates to the following committee members: Andrea Weber, Diana Garland, Denise Baumann, Holly Robison, Sandy Johnson, and Tabitha Haynes.

VIII. Unfinished Business

A. Bylaws – Discussion on the proposed Bylaws revision continued.

Matthew Stublefield proposed an amendment to Article VIII Quorum that would change the number of members present from 2/3 to 1/2. Jaimie Trussell seconded the motion. Approved.

Charles Klarr made a motion to amend Article III Section 2.a. to change “senate member” to “senate nominee.” The motion was seconded by Jaimie Trussell. Approved.

Matthew Stublefield made a motion to amend Article 4 to remove the words “non-voting” from the Executive Board, with the exception of the Chair. “With the exception of the Chair, who shall vote only in case of tied votes” should be substituted. This amendment should be changed in all applicable places within the document. It was commented that if the Chair is a non-voting position, we may need to think about adding a representative to replace that vote.

Matthew Stublefield submitted an amendment to add “when a senator becomes Chair, their voting seat shall become vacant. This vacancy shall be addressed via Article 3, Section 5, Vacancies.”

Matthew Stublefield submitted an amendment to add line 171, “Chair is a non-voting member of the senate with the exception of ties as stated in Article IV, Section 1.”

Nadine Jones made a motion to hear the amendments and vote on them all at once. Seconded by Cathy McFall. Approved.

Lenord McGownd raised a question about Article III, Section 2.e “perceived contributions” – is that to mean what they have or can contribute. Cathy McFall explained that it was related to their past experience and statement of intent as on the current senator application.

Lenord McGownd raised a point about Article IV. Section 1.b. and suggested the duties from Article VI be placed with the Chair-Elect’s duties listed in Article IV.

Cathy McFall commented that in Faculty Senate, the Secretary handles nominations and elections.

Lenord McGownd commented that lines 200 and 350 need to match.

Konya Knackstedt suggested adding “senator” to Article III Section 2.b, beginning of line 72. Others commented that this was not necessary and that “membership” implied that it would be a senator.

Dixie Williams made a motion to move lines 240-248 to line 171, move lines 255-263 to line 175, and to delete line 242 and move it to line 181. The motion was seconded by _________________. Approved.

Matthew Stublefield made a motion to send an amended version of the proposed Bylaws to senators and postpone further discussion to the January meeting in the interest of time. Nadine Jones seconded. Approved.

IX. Announcements

A. GEP First Year Foundations class completed the third and final Staff Senate street clean for this year.
B. The Staff Compensation Sub-Committee has started meeting again.

X. Adjournment – Nadine Jones made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 2:50pm