Bystander Intervention

The university holds all community members responsible for taking reasonable and prudent actions to prevent or stop an act of sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence. Taking action may include:

  • direct intervention
  • calling law enforcement, or
  • reporting to a responsible employee.

Learn more about Green Dot

Green Dot is a bystander intervention program set to permanently reduce power-based personal violence (sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking) on our campus and in our community. This inclusive program's goal is to create two new campus norms:

  1. Violence isn't tolerated on our campus and our community, and 
  2. Everyone is expected to do their part.

Green Dot Community Bystander Intervention Virtual Training

The Green Dot Community bystander intervention training plays a key role as part of a comprehensive strategy to permanently reduce rates of violence, and mobilize and empower all community members.

The next training session is from 12:00-1:30 p.m., on Wednesday, February 17, 2021. The cost is free and registration is required.