Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Clinic located?

We are located in the Missouri State University Professional Building at the Northeast corner of Cherry and Kimbrough. Need a map?

Where do I park while I am at the Clinic?

Visitor parking is available at the Professional Building which enables you to park in the parking lot east of the building, or across Cherry south of the Professional Building. Parking permits will be sent to you by mail, or may be obtained from the receptionist in the Clinic, for your use while at the Clinic. Please be sure to display your permit on the dash of your vehicle while parking in the lot.

Do I need a referral?

Although we receive many referrals from physicians, teachers, orthodontists and other professionals, a referral is not necessary.

To whom do I talk regarding my/my child’s treatment program?

The clinical supervisor is directly responsible for treatment and can answer questions you might have regarding the program. If you desire to have a conference, please mention this to the student clinician, or leave a message at the Clinic office for the supervisor so that an appointment may be arranged.

To whom do I speak regarding financial assistance?

Please talk with the Clinic Director regarding any questions about a fee adjustment of Hearing Impaired Preschool services.

How often can I expect to be billed for services?

Billings are sent monthly for Hearing Impaired Preschool services. No bills will be sent for Speech-Language Pathology nor for Audiology services, however Audiology products cost will be collected at time of pick up.

Where can I go to make payments?

The Missouri State Bursar’s Office will receive payments at any time during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) or by mail to the Bursar’s Office.

If I am going to be late or absent, whom do I notify?

Please call the Clinic 417-836-5275 or email the Clinic ( as soon as possible to notify us of your absences or delay.

How do I obtain a parking permit?

Parking permits will be sent to you by mail, or may be obtained from the receptionist in the Clinic, for your use while at the Clinic. Please be sure to display your permit on the dash of your vehicle while parking in the lot.